المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : My mom only had one eye

18-09-05, 05:11 PM
My mom only had one eye.
I hated her... she was such an embarrassment...
She ****ed for students & teachers...to support the family.
There was this one day during elementary school and my mom came.
I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me?
I threw her a hateful look and ran out.

The next day at school...
"Your mom only has one eye?!?!"...eeeee said a friend.
I wished my mom would just disappear from this world.
So I said to my mom, "Mom... Why don't you have the other eye?!
If you're only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don't you just die?!!!"

My mom did not respond...
I guess I felt a little bad, but at the same time, it felt good to think
that I had said what I'd wanted to say all this time...
Maybe it was because my mom hadn't punished me,
but I didn't think that I had hurt her feelings very badly.

That night...
I woke up, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
My mom was crying there, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might
wake me.
I took a look at her, and then turned away.
Because of the thing I had said to her earlier,
there was something pinching at me in the corner of my heart.
Even so, I hated my mother who was crying out of her one eye.
So I told myself that I would grow up and become successful.

Then I studied real hard.
I left my mother and went to Singapore to study.

Then, I got married.
I bought a house of my own. Then I had kids, too...
Now I'm living happily as a successful man.
I like it here because it's a place that doesn't remind me of my mom.

This happiness was getting bigger and bigger, when...

What?! Who's this?!
It was my mother...Still with her one eye.
I felt as if the whole sky was falling apart on me.
Even my children ran away, scared of my mom's eye.
And I asked her, "Who are you?!" "I don't know you!!!" as if trying to
make that real.
I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my house and scare my children!"


And to this, my mother quietly answered,
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,"
and she disappeared out of sight.

Thank good ness... She doesn't recognize me. I was quite relieved.
I told myself that I wasn't going to care, or think about this for the
rest of my life.
Then a wave of relief came upon me...

One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house in
So, lying to my wife that I was going on a business trip, I went.
After the reunion, I went down to the old shack,
that I used to call a house... Just out of curiosity

There, I found my mother fallen on the cold ground.
But I did not shed a single tear.
She had a piece of paper in her hand....It was a letter to me.

"My son...
I think my life has been long enough now...
And... I wont visit Singapore anymore...
But would it be too much to ask if I wanted you
to come visit me once in a while? I miss you so much..
And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion.
But I decided not to go to the school.

For you...And I'm sorry that I only have one eye, and I was an
embarrassment for you.

You see, when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost
your eye.
As a mom, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with only eye...
So I gave you mine...
I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole
new world for me, in my place, with that eye.
I was never upset at you for anything you did..
The couple times that you were angry with me..
I thought to myself, 'It's because he loves me..'

My son... Oh, my son... "

Ooohhhh noooooooooooo,,mom,,I love you very much.

This message has a very deep meaning and is passed to remind people of the
goodness they have enjoy was because of others directly or indirectly.
Pause a moment and consider your life! Be thankful of what you have today
compared to many millions who do not live lives as you do!

Do spend some time in prayer for your mum out there!

هذا قصة جميلة جدا ذات معاني عميقة وردتني بالإيميل إلا أنها باللغة الانجليزية ورغم أن كلماتها بسيطة إلا أنني لا أرقى إلى ترجمتها. آمل أن تتلقى إستحسانكم

18-09-05, 06:06 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اتمنى من اهل الاختصاص ترجمتها..
او صاحب الموضوع...

حاولت ترجمتها ...
لكن رحم الله امرئ عرف قدر نفسه..
استطعت قراءتها وفهم معناها الى حــــد ما..!!
ولكـــــــن مرة اخرى لااستطيع ترجمتها بحرفنه واحتراف..وخوفي اختلال معناها على القارئ..
انا من قوم (انت في يروح انا في يجي)..!!

عموما اتنمى من صاحب الموضوع محاولة ترجمتها..

لاول مره يرد لنا مادة وموضوع باللغة الانجليزية..

ولاسبقية ذلك يثبت الموضوع ..

شكرا sam
وبارك الله في جهودك

18-09-05, 10:17 PM
الله يعطيك العافيه
وين المترجمين؟؟؟؟

سام اليمن
21-09-05, 10:22 AM
الأخ/واس شكرا على التثبيت
الأح/alraeed شكرا على المرور
وعلى كل سأحاول الترجمة لاحقا بلغتي البسيطة...

24-09-05, 12:10 PM
ترجمة الموضوع:
أمي ذات العين الواحدة
أكرهها.. كانت تسبب لي الأحراج
بالرغم من إعالتها للعائلة فهي تطبخ لطلبة وأساتذة المدرسة ..
ذات يوم وأنا في المدرسة الابتدائية أتت أمي للمدرسةكنت محرجا .."كيف تصنعهذا بي؟! " رمقتها بكراهية وجريت بعيداً..

في اليوم التالي سخر مني أصدقائي " يييي أمك بعين واحدة"
تمنيت لو اختفت أمي من هذا العالم..لذلك أخبرتها :" أمي ..لماذا لاتملكين العين الأخرى؟ "
"أنتي أتيت فقط لجعلي مسخرة المدرسة..لماذا لاتموتي؟"

أمي لا تجيب
أشعر ببعض السوء, لكن في نفس الوقت أشعر بسعادة لأني قلت ما أريد قوله..
يمكن أمي لم تعاقبني ....لا أعتقد أني جرحت شعورها بشكل كبير...

تلك الليلة
استقيظت وذهبت إلى المطبخ لشرب كوب ماء . .. كانت أمي تبكي هناك بهدوء خوفا من أن توقظني ببكائها..
نظرت إليها واستدرت عائدا بسبب ما قلته لها سابقاً..
هناك ثمة شيء يؤنبني داخل قلبي , وإن يكن أنا أكره أمي ...تلك التي تبكي بعين واحدة.. لذلك قلت لنفسي : سأكبر وأكون ناجحا..

بقية الترجمة تأتي تباعا....مع الشكر

ايمان القلوب
25-09-05, 06:09 AM
الله يعطيك العافيه

محمد علم الدين
03-10-05, 04:23 PM
(qq140)جزاك الله خيراً (qq140)

29-03-11, 09:16 PM
nice poem...
for who this is poem

Just a reminder
05-04-11, 09:12 AM
Oh God, painful story ..